Located in Waterford servicing Oxford and surrounding areas

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A Tribute to Edward Vinson, Sr.

We at E. Vinson construction, would like to take this moment in Black History to honor our very own Edward Vinson, Sr.

Mr. Vinson is this month's salute, not because he is my dad, but because he blazed and trail that we could follow. Mr. Vinson was the first black man in St. Louis Region to own his own cleaning plant and laundry. He done all of the laundry shirts, pants, uniforms for all the local cleaners, New York cleaners, Beavers cleaners, 1hr cleaners, Cahokia cleaners and Raymond cleaners just to name a few and was the first black cleaners to get contracts from SIU, Edwardsville, Scott Air Force Base, and M.D.T.A. even when the officers at SIU didn't want him to clean their clothes because they found out (he was a black man) yes serious racism.

He also went on to start his own construction company which I am proud to continue his work, so we at E Vinson , salute you Mr. Edward Levert Vinson Sr. for blazing trail that we could follow.

My Mentor.

My Friend.

My Hero.

My Dad.

Bishop Edward Levert Vinson Sr.

You are Black History.

(1929 - 2016)

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